After a phone call from a friend this past Thursday bewildered us, “Can you help me get out of my house?”, we were in NYC and our many friends were back at home dealing with the devastation of tornadoes that changed the face of our small community. Rushing home we discovered the extent of the damage was much greater than what was broadcast nationally. Tears welled up as I couldn’t recognize my whereabouts from all the trees that were scattered about. Amazingly our small community and the strong, caring people within it came together to aid anyone who was in more need than they were at that particular time. Whether it was the power companies that worked around the clock to run many new lines which had be destroyed in remarkable time or volunteers with chain saws jumping out of trucks to help clear away debris to a parent watching other children so work could be accomplished to offerings to share homes for showers and laundry, showed that this is an awesome community! Prior to an event like this a community could easily be taken for granted. There are really incredible people right in our own neighborhoods, lots of time in our haste we miss out on what we have right at home. Today take a few minutes and go out into your neighborhood to chat with person or two, I bet you will find some fantastic people to know and could potentially be a dear friend. We certainly have!
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