Gain confidence, clarity, and trust by following along as we demonstrate our most popular, proven, high probability income trading strategies with the strategy developer John Locke.
Get Up To Date On 11 Income Producing Options Trading Strategies Every Week!
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Each Monday morning, we will embark on an educational journey as we review the past week’s activity on a series of proven, high probability, income trading strategies. We will discuss how each strategy has performed and why it is performing the way is in the current marketplace.
On the Options Trading for Income by the Guidelines weekly webinar, we’ll step through the trades day by day and discuss the thought process on whether or not to adjust as well as the options for adjusting within the trade’s respective guidelines, especially when we come upon those grey areas that can really make a difference sometimes.
This will provide lessons on the trades themselves, obviously, but we’ll also go beyond that because we’re also going to incorporate lessons on back testing, back testing variability, and how to take away the right information from your back testing, as we are progressing through the trades.
During this process, we’ll also be considering challenges that often come up in real trading such as when we get excessive price movement during the day and how that may affect some people’s trading, and therefore results.
The trades themselves will be approached completely by guidelines in a non-subjective manner as to promote confidence, clarity, and consistency with our intermediate and non-subjective traders as we build a solid foundation for advancement to the Pro Level.
As for the strategies themselves, we will be covering 11 of our more popular rule-based trading strategies that are traded on the Russell 2000 or the S+P 500. We will cover the Bull, the Bear, the M3.4u, the V32, the M3, the Bearish Butterfly, the ROCK, the Unbalanced Butterfly 1, the X4v14, the X4v17, or the Super Bull.
Sessions are scheduled for Mondays at 9:30 AM ET for about an hour by professional trader John Locke. See our calendar for session dates and times.
Every session will be recorded and added to our recording archives of hundreds of episodes starting in 2009 which is made available to students who are GO or PRO subscribing members.
Join our next Options Trading for Income session.
Click the button below to get more information on the PRO or GO membership, select the one that is best for you, join the membership and you’re in!
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