Are there things that really bother you that aren’t done? Do you say, I should really start writing that book or make that call or trim the bushes, regularly? Do some of the tasks just seem too time consuming or overwhelming as a whole and you just don’t give any time to them? Try breaking big tasks into smaller tasks, if you want to clean a room start with breaking it down into fourths to clean out just one corner or write just one page of that book or pick one bush to trim today. Commit 15 minutes per day or if time only allows on the weekends commit to 30 minutes on Saturday and/or Sunday to get these tasks taken care of. Before you know it the tasks have been completed and what you thought you couldn’t accomplish you have! This week make a commitment to complete a task that you know you need to do and set a plan of completion that you can easily fit in your schedule. You will find it will be done in no time and you will have the satisfaction that it is finally completed!
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