I can’t get my trade filled! Is that really a true statement? It isn’t. You CAN get your trade filled, it may not be at the price YOU WANT, but you can get it filled. Click here or in the video below to explore how this limiting belief may be stopping you from profiting on your trades.
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Whatever you repeatedly tell yourself you will believe.
It is just simply the way the human mind works. You are going to eventually believe what you continuously say to yourself whether it is true or not.
The statement “I can’t get my trade filled” is a self-defeating thought. A self-defeating thought that results in “learned helplessness”.
This is where a person can put themselves in a cage of detrimental beliefs that prevents them from doing things that are clearly possible if only, they could get out of their own way.
For that reason, we suggest that a trader never, ever allow themselves to think the thought, “I can’t get my trade filled!” Because that thought is a lie.
Now it may be true that the order won’t execute at a price you would like at the moment you would like it to execute but I am very confident that you CAN GET THAT ORDER FILLED. Again, you might not like the price, but you can get it done.
This distinction may not seem like a big deal but when a trader is under stress and needs to do something with the trade, it is more than likely their unconscious or reactive mind will take over. When the unconscious or reactive mind takes over it will believe what have always told it. Which may be “I can’t get my trade filled.” Don’t say this to yourself! It does not serve you!
Start filling your unconscious mind with trading thoughts that serve you! Be sure to watch or listen to this and all the Trading Performance Podcast episodes!
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