Trading deal or no deal? This is a question that many, many traders torture themselves with every. single. day. We only have so much energy to make decisions each day. Should traders really be wasting so much energy asking whether they are getting a deal or not? Click here or in the video to find […]
Focusing on Skills to be a Profitable Trader
Focusing on skills to be a profitable trader is imperative for anyone who wants to be a successful trader long-term. In coaching successful traders for over 15 years, I frequently suggest that they refocus to the trading skills that really matter. Click here or in the video below to find out what trading skills to […]
Looking For A New Trade?
Looking for a new trade? If this is your tenth attempt at doing so, you probably shouldn’t be. STOP and click here or in the video below to watch this episode. Subscribe: YouTube Locke In Your Success · Looking For A New Trade? Subscribe: Soundcloud The common loop that traders who are looking for a new trade […]
Why Else Would I Trade?
Why else would I trade? We are all in it for the money! Aren’t we? One concept I have a tough time with is the phrase “trading for the money or outcomes vs. fill in the blank. Why else would we trade? I think the subconscious mind and the conscious mind is looking for a […]