Looking for a new trade? If this is your tenth attempt at doing so, you probably shouldn’t be.
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The common loop that traders who are looking for a new trade tend to fall into…
-To start out, most traders will typically try directional trading, like buying stocks. In general a trader’s success is hit or miss with this method. Usually at some point the trader gets frustrated with the win consistency or lack of progress. And they go looking for a new trade…
-This is where they usually discover directional options trading where you can leverage your capital and potentially increase your returns exponentially! Sadly however, this type of trading can be less predictable than trading equities and in most cases, traders often find themselves leveraging losses. And they go looking for a new trade…

-Next they usually try trading shorter term trading. People tend to gravitate to shorter term trading after difficulty because they believe it’s an easier and faster way to make more money, more quickly. In addition, they can get more trades in and get more feedback more quickly in their attempt to become profitable. Unfortunately, many traders simply lose more money more quickly. And they go looking for a new trade….
-At this point many traders determine that they are just having a hard time choosing the direction of the market and come across complex options strategies, also known as income trades or positive Theta trades. These positions are high probability trades that do not necessarily require that the asset price move in any particular direction in order to make money. And while more traders tend to find great success with these types of trades, many also continue to struggle with profitability and inconsistency. And they go looking for a new trade…
Repeat, repeat, repeat. We call this the circle of doom. Fortunately there is a better way!
Our team has developed the Trading Success Blueprint which focuses on the critical elements needed to take you from newbie to rock star!
Our options trading strategies are time tested with great win rates. You can even check the results yourself through back testing the strategies!
Our students love that we publish monthly trade logs, trade results, and win rates for the strategies we cover in our Options Trading for Income weekly webinars, exclusively for our PRO and GO members to ensure their understanding of the strategies’ nuances and accelerate their success.
To help traders improve consistency and smooth their equity curve thorough understanding the current market, we offer our weekly Market Outlook sessions to keep our students ready for each trading week before it begins!
Isn’t it time that you experienced more predictability, and ultimately more profits!
Are YOU ready to STOP looking for a new trade?
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