Stock market emotions are real! Do you know that doing well with money has little to do with how smart you are but more about how you behave? Click here or in the video below to find out why and how to get better with money. Subscribe: YouTube Locke In Your Success · Stock Market Emotions! […]
Trading Reality Distortion
Trading reality distortion can happen when traders seek a quick easy dopamine hit to relieve their stress and fear. This can lead to fantasy expectations which a trader may start to believe as truth. What can a trader do? Click here or in the video below to find a more constructive way. Subscribe: YouTube Locke In […]
I don’t know. What kind of an answer is that? I believe this is one of the worst things you can say whenever it relates to something that you have control over that you might want. Click here or in the video below to consider a different way to communicate that will serve you better. […]
Trading And Your Ego
A discussion about trading and your ego can go in so many different directions. In this video I wanted to share this important discussion on how a trader could manage their ego to lead them to long-term success. Click here or in the video below to gain some understanding of your ego. Subscribe: YouTube Locke In […]
Keys To Develop Natural Trading Self-Confidence Part 2
Keys To Develop Natural Trading Self-Confidence Part 2 we start out with the most important key! However, if you missed part 1 click here to be sure to review this important information to get primed for part 2! Click here or in the video to unlock your natural trading self-confidence! Subscribe: YouTube Locke In Your Success […]
Trading Loss So What Process
Trading loss so what process was shared during this segment of Episode 26 of the Trading Performance sessions. We don’t have to automatically accept whatever our brain throws up as a definition of what a sensation means. Take control and decide what you want your sensations to mean! Click here or in the video to […]