Keys To Develop Natural Trading Self-Confidence Part 2 we start out with the most important key! However, if you missed part 1 click here to be sure to review this important information to get primed for part 2!
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Our emotions can naturally get in the way of our success. It is part of being human.
However we can question those emotions to see if they are beneficial or destructive.
The most important key is to fairly evaluate your trading strategy and your trading decisions. As a trading coach for over 15 years, I encounter traders who treat themselves, and their trades, extremely unfairly. This results in poor performance over time.
Take a step back from the situation before you judge. Ask yourself, was it actually a problem with the strategy? Was it a bad decision or was it a good decision that happened not to work out? Is it as bad as I’m making it out to be or is it just that my thoughts about what happened are making it appear worse than it is? Could it possibly be that it was bad luck? Perhaps it is simply an out of the ordinary market event that caused a poor result despite the fact I have a wonderful trading strategy and made great decisions.
The majority of the time, if you are using a time-tested proven strategy and making trading decisions within it’s guidelines, it would be unfair to beat yourself up or change strategies because of a few losses .
Achieve better trading results by using the keys in the video to develop your natural trading self-confidence!
Learn more about achieving your trading goals and improving your trading mind by watching all of our future and past Trading Performance Podcast episodes!
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