Throughout our life we all have lots of people we would call acquaintances. These are people we have casual conversation or say “Hi” to when we see them in a store or pass in the hall at work. Then there are those relationships with friends who support you throughout your life. Someone you confide in, cry with, call when you are in a funk and they lift you up, supporting you even though you may not be yourself. These are the people you feel safe with and share your true feelings and thoughts with without them judging you. They care about you no matter what. Give these people the gratitude they deserve, don’t wait to express how much they mean to you. Be sure to be available too, when they need you as well, one sided relationships never last. Life is much richer when you have someone who can genuinely share your successes and failures. So this week express your gratitude to someone who has made a positive difference in your world!
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