Trading with uncertainty without anxiety can take some effort. In Episode 29 of the Trading Performance Podcast, we break down how to reframe your thoughts to remove your anxiety.
Click here or in the video below to learn more!
Many traders confuse fear with anxiety.
Fear is a short-term emotional response to a known or definite, imminent threat.
Anxiety is incessantly thinking about the possibility of a loss.
In my coaching practice, I see traders with much more anxiety than fear.
Let me clarify that trading by nature is uncertain. No matter how knowledgeable a trader is or experienced they are, they cannot control the outcome of a trade.

Acknowledgement of uncertainty is a good thing in trading because it helps traders trade responsibly. However many traders create high anxiety situations by focusing too much on that uncertainty.
There are many things in our lives that we cannot control and probably don’t have fear or anxiety of. For instance, gravity is just part of your life experience. It is a neutral circumstance we simply accept as true. With gravity we don’t get anxious because we can’t fly, we just accept that is the way it is and work around it. In fact, some people use gravity for their benefit like downhill skiing or zip lining.
Like gravity, trading uncertainty is a neutral circumstance. It simply exists. This will not change. Therefore, uncertainty is NOT the problem.
The problem is the meaning that many traders put on that uncertainty. If you feel uncertain, you have chosen to believe that you are SUPPOSED TO FEEL CERTAIN about trading. So you feel like you are doing something wrong. It is a vicious cycle that can continue for years.
Discover how to resolve this belief in Trading With Uncertainty Without Anxiety. It really can happen for any trader who chooses to work on thinking differently!
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