This trading strategy continues to win in 2021! The X4V14 options trading strategy did fantastic in 2020 and is continuing to perform well in the New Year!
In episode 46 of The Winning Trade, two different winning trade examples are revealed! Click here or in the video below to discover the winning details!
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Description of this trade: It is a conservative market neutral broken wing butterfly trading strategy on the Standard and Poor 500 (SPX) index.
Minimum Capital Requirements: $2,250

Trade Entry: 77 days to expiration
Example size: The example is a 10 lot which means there are 10 contracts or butterflies. The planned capital or the maximum amount we will allow in the example trade is $22,500.
Trade Adjustments: Yes
Profit Target: 11.1% of planned capital or $2,500.
Date Exit: Is when the trade that is two cycles ahead is scheduled for entry. For example, for a trade with a March expiration cycle, when the May expiration cycle hits 77 days to expiration the March expiration cycle trade is exited.
Exit Loss Trigger: 11.1% of planned capital or $2,500 for this example.
Maximum Trade Duration: Approximately 60 days
Overlapping Trades: Yes, up to 2 at a time
We love this trading strategy because it is simple to manage, it does well in a very wide variety of market conditions and this trade often excels through wild market movements.
The X4V14 trading strategy is one of three trading strategies that are taught in the very comprehensive X4 training system which is designed to be traded on the Standard and Poor 500 index. It is designed to do very well in neutral market conditions.
This rule-based strategy has a minimum capital requirement is $2,250 per trade and takes about 15 minutes a day to manage. Click here to learn more!
This trading strategy continues to win in 2021! Become a GO or a PRO member to follow this trading strategy on the Options Trading for Income by the Guidelines weekly webinars. This trading strategy is for Trading Success Blueprint traders in Stage 3 and above to focus on.

Episode 33 – X4V14 Trading Strategy
Returns of this trade: This trade earned about $2,626 profit for June and $2,666 for July both average about 11.7%* of the planned capital.
Episode 24 – X4V14 Trading Strategy
Returns of this trade: This trade earned about $2,642 or 11.7% of planned capital in 32 days.
Episode 18 – X4V14 Trading Strategy
Returns of this trade: This trade earned a profit of $2,543 on $22,500 planned capital for a return of approximately 11.2% in less than 60-days.*
Episode 8 – X4V14 Trading Strategy
Returns of this trade: This trade earned a profit of $2,586 on $22,500 planned capital for a return of approximately 11.4% in less than 60-days.*
*The result shown is from real-time, hypothetical trades such as those shown in the Options Trading for Income weekly webinar. Simulated trades are believed to be represented as accurately as possible, however, live results may have been different. The result is shared as an example for educational purposes ONLY.
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