Trading Q&A Part 2 with Sylvia has information about trading intuition and whether or not a trader should utilize it. Every trader needs to hear this. Thanks again to Sylvia’s Traders Lounge for having me for a third time.
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Should A Trader Rely On Intuition?
The conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time.
The unconscious mind however, can process billions of bits of information per second.
When you are trading consciously, you can only focus on a very limited amount of information.
Your unconscious mind is in control of your habits, feelings, emotions, body functions, etc. It is aware of EVERYTHING.
By the time you are consciously aware of anything, your unconscious has already noticed it, processed it, created an emotion, and put a meaning on it. A person is mostly unaware of that process.
Your unconscious is hiding from you the majority of everything that it knows. And it has to do that in order to keep you sane.
Intuition is our unconscious noticing stuff and giving us a feeling. The unconscious mind speaks in feelings and pictures.
So when you look at something and get a feeling, and you don’t consciously know why, this is because your unconscious mind that has taken in information, processed it, and given you a feeling to give your conscious mind a message of what it thinks should be done about it.
But is it intuition or irrational emotion? Learn to make this distinction.
If you are not using your intuition, you are cutting out all the great information your mind has for you.
Learn more about improving your trading mind and achieving your trading goals by watching all of our future and past Trading Performance Podcast episodes!
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