Trading Q&A Part 1 with Sylvia has a great mix of trading and psychology tidbits for any trader to learn from. Don’t miss a minute! Thanks again to Sylvia’s Traders Lounge for having me for a third time.
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Your Behavior Will Determine If You Make Money Trading or Not
No matter what trading strategies a trader decides to utilize to make money, it is ultimately the trader’s behavior that really makes the profit.
When traders begin their trading career they’re looking for techniques, they’re looking for indicators, they’re looking for trades. Something that is going to take advantage of the marketplace.

These things they are looking for are really “tools” for a trader to use in their career.
One of the biggest issues I see for traders is they typically don’t stick with any of these “tools” long enough to learn how to use them in the most effective and consistent way.
If a person who enjoys trading a particular profitable trading strategy can go against their natural inclination and keep trading even when they lose, again and again. That behavior will bring them success, but they must be able take the losses and keep on trading.
This is just a small sampling of all that is in this comprehensive episode. Take it all in!
Be sure not to miss the conclusion of the interview in the next episode. There will be even more amazing tips and tricks to improve your trading .
Learn more about improving your trading mind and achieving your trading goals by watching all of our future and past Trading Performance Podcast episodes!
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