What tracks are available? We currently have the Broken Wing Butterfly Master Track, Unbalanced Butterfly 1 & 2 Trade Track, Unbalanced Butterfly 3 Trade Track, X4 Track, V32 Track, and M3.4u Track
How much does a track class cost? Access to one track class every 30 days is a complimentary benefit to Locke Options Community Premium PLUS subscribers. Students will receive access to one recorded or live class in a course progression every 30 days. (For example, since the Unbalanced Butterfly 1 & 2 Track is comprised of three classes to gain complimentary access to the entire Track, it would require three consecutive months as a Premium PLUS member subscriber.)
How long is each track class? Each class is scheduled for 60 minutes, but many times the class could take 90 minutes or more. The length of each class is identified on the track dashboard once you have access to that class.
What is included in a Premium PLUS membership? LOTS! There is too much to list, but each subscriber (at $199 per month) will receive access to LIVE and the recordings from the starting month of their membership of TWO, one-hour LIVE Community Coaching sessions, Live Enriching Session, Successful Options Trader of the Month presentation, at least four Options Trading for Income Weekly Update webinars, Discounts on OptionNetExplorer, private Skype group and PLUS size discounts and much, much more. Click here for a complete list of Premium PLUS benefits.
How long do students have access to the recorded classes? Once each class recording has been posted to a Premium PLUS member’s Tracks Dashboard and it will remain there as long as the member is a Premium PLUS subscriber. If a Premium PLUS member decides to unsubscribe to the Premium PLUS membership, they will no longer have access to the live or the recorded classes.
Will there be other Tracks? Yes, after a live track is completed we are planning to continue to offer one LIVE class per month on other options concepts and strategies.
Will the LIVE classes be recorded? Yes, each class will be recorded and will be available to LIVE attendees within 48 hours after the class is presented. So if a student can’t attend any classes LIVE, they will be able to watch the recording of the class shortly after the LIVE class takes place.