What is the number one trading mindset problem? In my experience after training traders for over 15 years, I believe I know what that ONE thing is AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!
Click here or in the video below to identify whether or not you have this trading mindset problem!
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Common “Unconscious” Trading Expectations
What attracts you to trading? What are your expectations?
It is very important to dig into these questions. Do your answers resemble the ones that are highlighted in this episode? If you are like the majority of traders, it is time to dig deeper…

The consequences of not digging deeper, could be the end of a trading career.
Fortunately, we can fix this problem. If a trader puts in the time and the effort, this trading mindset challenge can be eliminated.
Every week for over 10 years I have been putting out my trading strategy decisions for the whole world to see in our GO or PRO memberships. I am not certain that any of those decisions are going to lead to success. As a matter of fact, if I did believe that I will be right 100% of the time, that would be another problem all together. A delusional over confidence problem.
There will ALWAYS be uncertainty, and every trader who is “in it to win it” will understand this reality and do what is required to mentally handle the uncertainty necessary to be successful.
Watch this episode today and identify whether or not the number one trading mindset problem is affecting you, and then continue to improve your trading mind by watching all of our future and past Trading Performance Podcast episodes!
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