The Winning Trade Episode 101 shows an iron butterfly options spread on the S&P 500 index that is comprised of a bearish call spread, a bullish put spread, and a call option. It is called the X4V22 trading strategy*. The actual capital in the trade was kept low and the profits were high while trading […]
Scale Up Your Trading
Back trading is a very important part of trading and it will give you the confidence to scale up your trades. Cynthia speaks the truth in this clip from The Trading Triangle Maui 2016. Learn more about the 15+ hour program at:
Skews and Software
How do you use the analytical software in regards to skew? During a Community Coaching Session, John talks about how he interprets the software results to help him make trading decisions. Try some software at discounted rates at:
The Trading Mind
Many times what you think happened, didn’t. Why? It is the way the mind works. The only way to know the true history of a trade is to record it daily. This is what we use and recommend:
OptionVue 8.12 and Beyond
Learn about some new and exciting features of OptionVue release 8.12. A BIG THANKS to Jeff Plimpton for his great presentation. To get a FREE 30 day trial to give OptionVue a try, click here: Podcast version available too…