Show who you truly are! Let your enthusiasm, passion and motivation out to others! I am sure we have all encountered a lecturer at a class or a seminar who is there just to get paid. They might just stand in one place, shrug their shoulders, speak in a monotone voice and appear to be ready to go to sleep, which makes you also feel like nodding off. Now picture a lecture who is an energetic person who has a passion for the topic, they might make lots of movements, they speak excitedly with lots of joy and are just clearly thrilled to be there to share their knowledge. Which class would you rather attend? What kind of person do you want other people to see in you? People naturally gravitate towards people who are energetic, positive and passionate. No one wants to be around someone who complains all the time or is a downer. Always say “Hello” to everyone that meets your gaze, even if they usually don’t respond. No one can take away your passionate, positive feelings so let them out to everyone!
Join us at the “Get Motivated” seminar on May 7th from 8:00am – 4:45pm in Portland, ME for FREE! We can get as many tickets as we need and even children are encouraged to come! It is featuring Zig Ziglar, Steve Forbes, Rudy Guiliani, and more! We already have quite a crew coming any more takers?
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