People can be hard to deal with. It is amazing how many different perceptions there are out there. You may be trying to help someone learn something new and the person being taught may take it that you are overbearing or trying to be controlling when your intention is to help them. It could be that your child is whiny and you perceive that they are overtired when they really just need some of your attention. You get annoyed if your neighbor puts a shed on some of your land and you think they just want to push their boundary line but really he doesn’t know where his property line is. Next time when you sense some tension try to think about how they may be viewing the situation or better yet ASK! This will help you to gain insight as to how they are perceiving the situation and it will help you to gain understanding which will help to create a better relationship long term. So next time when you feel a situation might not be being taken as you had intended, ASK questions! Hang in there CE…
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