Q: Do I have what it takes to trade your strategies?
Absolutely! We have a step by step process that is called the Trading Success Blueprint. This process can help a person with no trading knowledge to quickly trade a very simple rule-based strategy that virtually anyone can do. Depending on each person’s objectives, they can build off that solid foundation and go as far as they’d like. Even to a very advanced, professional-level complex options trader.
Q: What can I expect for returns?
This is going depend on many, many factors and vary drastically from trader to trader. Are you going to stick with a straight rule-based conservative strategy? Or are you going to get subjective, put in the work, and go for it?
If you want to talk very general historical numbers just get an idea of what a singular type of options income trading might do, keeping in mind that some of this information is simulated, and that the future may be different than history…
Many of the profitable, conservative, rule-based income strategies currently available historically average between 20% and 30% per year over time. That’s an average with some years over 60% and some negative. And….this will hold true for just about any good rule-based, very high probability, non subjective strategy over time, regardless of where you find it, and regardless of what might be advertised. Which to some people may seem low but if you think about it, those numbers beat nearly any hedge fund or mutual fund out there. So it’s very impressive.
If you get into the more aggressive and minimally subjective strategies, like the Bearish Butterfly or the ROCK, effective traders can easily double those numbers. The ROCK historically has averaged near 100% per year as shown on our weekly Options Trading for Income webinars, but realize that it takes time, and a lot of experience to get to that level and, of course, the future can be quite different than the past.
If you decide to go fully subjective, then….. eventually, if you stick with it, it is possible to do become more and more consistent in returns and do much, much better than that. I’d say there are no limits, but again it takes time and a lot of experience to get there.
Q: Do I have to be in front of a screen all day to trade these strategies?
No, our trading strategies, for the most part, should be evaluated only once per day. The evaluation takes only minutes however if entries, exits or adjustments are required, then that would take additional time.
Q: Where do I ask questions?
We LOVE to get questions that shows you are putting in the effort and learning! One place any member can ask is in the Locke Options Community Group Forums (scroll down to get instructions). If you are a subscribing member, looking for detailed, lengthy answers, please post questions or topics for discussion in the GO Ask A Trader or the Trading With The Pros Sessions forum. For trading strategy by the guidelines questions, please post those in the Options Trading for Income by the Guidelines sessions forum. For urgent or brief topics, subscribing members can post to the GO and PRO Skype group, if they are a member.
Q: How do I log into the Locke Options Community and access the group forums?
You must be a registered member, log in, and click the Locke Options Community button on the Member Dashboard. You will come to the Welcome Traders page. Select All Groups in the left menu bar that is where you will find all the group forums listed in alphabetical order. Click here for further detailed instructions.
Q: How do I access the Trading Success Blueprint Stage Coaching guides?
You must be a registered GO or PRO member and log into the Locke Options Community. From your GO or PRO member dashboard, select the Trading Success Blueprint icon.
Q: How do I post something in a group forum?
In order to post you must be a member of the group to create a new topic or to reply to another post. In the right side of the header just to the left of the square group image, you will find a blue Join Here button. Just click that and you will immediately be a member of that group.
If you are wondering if you had joined the group yet or not that blue button will say Leave group if you have already joined. Of course, if you want to leave the group, just click that button and you will no longer be a member of that group.
Q: How do I post a question for an upcoming live session in the group forum?
We ask that students post questions or topics at least 48 hours prior to the live session. Click All Groups from the menu bar on the left. Click the blue hyperlink of the sessions you want to post to.
Q: How do I change my password?
In the Locke Options Community click the Settings page where you will find on the General tab a place to enter a new password and confirm it, then click Save Changes.
Q: When are the live webinars and what are they about?
You can always find the most up to date information on our calendar page but they are usually scheduled for:
Q: How can I make the most out of the live webinars if I can’t attend them?
Every live webinar we have has a group forum where your questions or topics for discussion can be posted prior to each live session. Just post what you want to know and your question will be answered!
Every live webinar we have is recorded and is available within 48 hours of the live presentation so you can get a response to your post in the group forum which can be watched at your leisure.
Q: How do I attend the live webinars?
Each month subscribing members will receive emails with hyperlinks to join the live webinars you are registered for. To view a list of the dates and times of the live webinars, click here for our calendar. If for some reason you do not receive these emails or you have questions about accessing the live webinars, please email
Q: How do I make sure I know what time the live webinar is in my time zone?
From the calendar page on add the session to your Google Calendar. The time zone will be automatically converted for you by Google Calendar. You can read more here. You can also use this Time Zone Converter.
Q: How does the monthly subscription work?
Locke Options Community membership is a monthly recurring subscription. The cost of your subscription is automatically charged to your credit card or is an established recurring payment from PayPal. You pay for your membership in advance before or on the first day of every month. For example, if you register in December, your first month of membership will be January.
Q: How can I update my credit card?
Click here to update your credit/debit card. This will process a $0 authorization and will update your card on file. Be sure to use the same email address you use for Locke Options Community log in.
Q: How do I cancel my monthly subscription?
Please send an email to to request cancellation.
Q: Is it too late to cancel my subscription for this month?
If we receive an email request to cancel your subscription by the 20th of the month, your cancellation will be effective the last day of that month. If you cancel on the 21st of the month or after, your cancellation will be effective the end of next month.
Q: Once I cancel, do I still have access to the content I received months I’ve purchased?
With the Locke Options Community subscription, you have access to the sessions and benefits as long as you are a subscriber. If you cancel, your membership is disabled at the end of the last month you paid for, and you will no longer be able to login to the membership site.
Q: When will my access to the site and sessions end?
You will have access to the community site, live sessions, and all online materials until the end of your paid month.
Q: Can I access the webinar recordings on my mobile device?
Yes! Log into the Locke Options Community on your mobile device. Click the three lines at the top right corner which will open the menu bar and you can then select the menu choice of the recordings you wish to watch.
Q: I was unable to attend a live webinar, when will the recording be available?
We do our best to get the live recording sessions updated on the website within 48 hours of their completion. The exception is the Market Outlook session recordings which should be ready to view within two hours of the live presentation. You will find the most recent webinar at the very top of the page.
Q: How do I make the most of the over 700 recordings of the Options Trading for Income weekly webinars?
Click here to watch John describe how intends for traders to use these weekly webinars.
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