Sorry for the late update, we are dealing with flooding rains up here in the North East and it’s been keeping me occupied. The Russell 2000 was up over $10 for the week but had it’s worst day since 2/26/10 on Friday, it went down a whopping 0.63. For the march trade it would be great if RUT would either come down a bit or go into a sideways consolidation for the next 3 days. There have been no changes to the March position since the last update. Currently the position is down $1241and could go either way as money comes (and goes) very quickly expiration week. Position is shown below:
The April 55 has had no changes either. Over the next 3 days, if RUT is over 680, the 620 butterfly will be rolled up. Also, if by day 28 RUT is still not in the tent, the 620 will be rolled anyway. Currently this position is down $1552 and shown below:
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