Hi All,
Yesterday’s large move was a bit painful but nothing too bad.
I made some adjustments on the February trades yesterday.
On the February 55 day trade, I attempted to roll up and add to the position but was having no luck in selling the 770 butterfly so as an alternative, I ended up selling the 770/820 side of the butterfly and then selling a 800/850 call spread turning the position into a 720/770/800/850 iron condor. I did this in 1 move by selling a 770/800/820/860 iron condor for $34.25. If I can get a good fill, I may attempt to roll up the put side over the next few days. The position is shown below as of late yesterday:
On the Feb M15, my timing was a little better and I was able to get the 770 butterfly off reasonably. I sold the 770 butterfly and rolled it to a 750/800/850 butterfly. Currently the position sits as 2 – 750/800/850 butterflies and is shown below:
The March position is unchanged.
That’s it for now, happy trading!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by John Locke, John Locke. John Locke said: 2-2-11 Trade Update http://f.ast.ly/XdwXk […]